Debbie Wasserman Schultz tweeted the following:
"Under President Trump, Republicans ran up trillions of dollars in debt by cutting taxes for the wealthy.Now, they're refusing to pay the bill for spending THEY VOTED FOR and are threatening to default in order to slash Social Security and Medicare."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
"With @POTUS, strong bipartisan support in Congress and amazing #Everglades advocates we made historic progress to protect our River of Grass. Thank you @EverCoalition, for acknowledging my dedication to these efforts. We made immense strides, but more is on the way. #southflorida" on Jan. 29Read on Twitter
"It was so uplifting to join LGBTQ+ leaders and allies at the @HRCSouthFL dinner where I made it clear: you are beautiful, valued, appreciated, and valid. Never let right-wing extremists tell you otherwise. Ill stand with you always." on Jan. 29Read on Twitter
"I'm heartbroken and enraged by the police brutality that took Tyre Nichols' life. To address this horrific injustice, and too many others like it, we need real transparency and accountability. May Tyres memory be for a blessing, as my thoughts are with his family & community." on Jan. 28Read on Twitter