How many professional licenses are set to expire in the week ending Nov. 26 in Broward County, according to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR)?
Here are the 50 political committees that received the largest amount of money from contributions during the week ending October 1, according to Florida’s Division of Elections.
Our free Fashion filled weekend includes Art Exhibits, Fashion Shows, Pop-Up Shops and more.Hosted by Commissioner Maxwell B. Chambers & the @JeffreylubingroupThis Weekend, December 10-11 | 5-10pm2300 Civic Center PlaceRegister for free
The U.S.S. Arizona was completely destroyed and the U.S.S. Oklahoma capsized. A total of twelve ships sank or were beached in the attack and nine additional vessels were damaged. More than 160 aircraft were destroyed and more than 150 others damaged.
This 4-Year Florida University Prepaid Scholarship Plan which prepays tuition, registration fees, the tuition differential fee and local fees for 120 undergraduate semester credit hours at a participating Florida university will remain open to all Florida residents.
How many professional licenses are set to expire in the week ending Nov. 19 in Broward County, according to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR)?