1600 S.W. 83rd Terrace$274,900Buyer: Patricia GatesSeller: Brian and Juanita Dubuc
3740 S.W. 55th Ave.Davie East$260,000Buyer: 3740 SW 55 Ave LLCSeller: 10890 PARKLAND3 LLC
5360 Lancelot LaneDavie West$750,000Buyer: Eduardo Rene and Yanislei AldanaSeller: Pothen and Molykutty Chacko
1823 S.W. 81st Ave.Davie Central$320,000Buyer: Keyla Patricia LeonSeller: Alan Ira and Lori A. Goldstein
7504 Nova DriveDavie East$317,500Buyer: Christopher J. CummingsSeller: Sandra and Sherif Gerges
4040 S.W. 72nd WayDavie East$409,000Buyer: BH-Nv Investments LLCSeller: Broward County Circuit Court and Liliana R. Del and Joseph Gagliano
1820 S.W. 81st WayDavie Central$310,000Buyer: Michael Shenoda and Sylvia GergesSeller: Aaron Chertoff
406 Vista VerdiDavie West$540,000Buyer: 2020 Pg Florida Investments LLCSeller: Fabian A. Lewis and Camile Elliot
2491 S.W. 82nd Ave.Davie Central$180,000Buyer: Najla LLCSeller: Salustio Jaramillo
7040 S.W. 42nd CourtDavie East$337,000Buyer: James Barry Wight and Julia Marie YeeSeller: Verena Delrise Harris
2401 S.W. 136th Ave.Davie West$1,287,000Buyer: Dwight O ReidSeller: Alicia R. and John Gyorok
8601 S.W. 19th St.$165,000Buyer: Dwayne and Lisa KelleySeller: Normand Paquette and Helene Lambert
2620 S. University DriveDavie East$200,000Buyer: Raymond and Nancy LyonsSeller: Goldy H. and Jeffrey B. Simon
8580 S.W. 20th Court$88,000Buyer: Carl Ouellet and Michel DesjardinsSeller: Stacey Sherman
14735 Viaduct Tivoli CourtDavie West$496,000Buyer: Juan Camilo Mantilla and Sira Barbara ArroyoSeller: Tia L Blau and Tia L Anderson
9430 Poinciana PlaceDavie Central$168,000Buyer: Camilo and Rafael BarayaSeller: Linda and George V. Zissimos II
10731 S.W. 29th PlaceDavie Central$1,450,000Buyer: Damon Niles and Amy Michelle DembkoskiSeller: Juan and Yvonne Rey
2946 S. University DriveDavie East$252,000Buyer: Roni and Rina Cohen and Cohen (trust)Seller: Kristijan and Adrian Bukur
2321 S.W. 86th Terrace$143,700Buyer: Jean Lavoie and Sylvie LauzonSeller: Andre Bernier and Denise Caron
3367 Lakeside DriveDavie Central$475,000Buyer: Shazard AliSeller: Guillermo J Melville and Lourdes Batres
1532 Whitehall DriveDavie Central$263,000Buyer: Leon D. Johnson Jr. and Marlene Alves Batista JohnsonSeller: Arthur L. and Claire L. Ashton